Custom Tara Pool Covers

Does your Swimming Pool have a cover currently? Is your cover old and have holes in it?

If so, give Poseidon Pools LLC, a quick phone call and schedule a technician to come out and show you our cover samples and measure your swimming pool. Our covers are Safety Covers, meaning they are anchored to the ground and stretched tight over your swimming pool. We offer Standard Mesh and HD Mesh Safety Covers. Tara Pool Covers offers a 15 year warranty on all new covers installed by a professional technician. Holes are drilled into your pool decking and anchors are set into concrete. These anchors are flush with deck and can be risen to allow pool cover springs to attach when needed.

Do you have an odd, shaped pool with obstacles, such as raised water features or spas the over flow into your swimming pool? We can have your cover made specific for your pool. Our covers also allow water to pass through them from rain water and melting snow. The HD mesh provides 99% shade to your pool. Our standard mesh provides 95% shade value.